
The BikeTag is visible at the bottom of the seat tube on the left side (opposite the chain side).

The BikeTag can only be purchased and attached from an authorized BikeTag dealer. See list of authorized BikeTag dealers in Denmark here.

You can find a list of authorized BikeTag dealers in Denmark here or in the menu under “Dealer Shops”

You can get a new BikeTag from an authorized dealer. See list of dealers in Denmark here.

In case the BikeTag is removed, you will be able to see the 3 stripes indicating that the bicycle is registered with BikeTag. Therefore, you should always check the frame number if you can see 3 stripes on the seat tube, but no BikeTag, before buying a bicycle, to make sure that it is not wanted.

The price for attaching the BikeTag, registering your ownership in the database and using our app is DKK 249,- (one time fee).  There are no additional costs such as subscription and the like.

No, the BikeTag cannot be tracked. There is an NFC (Near Field communication) chip in the label itself, – but this chip cannot be read at distances over 1 cm.

App functions

Report missing

Select the bicycle in MY OVERVIEW. Then select the REPORT MISSING icon and follow the on-screen instructions. Please note that the actual reporting takes place via the police’s website. When you have followed the steps on-screen, your bicycle will appear as WANTED both in MY OVERVIEW and when people scan the BikeTag or search on the BikeTag and frame number.

No, the reporting does not cost anything. However, you will be charged a finder’s fee of DKK 200, – if your bicycle is found and submitted to an authorized BikeTag dealer. The finder’s fee goes to the finder in full.

Yes. If you no longer believe it is missing, you can go to the wanted bicycle in MY OVERVIEW and select CANCEL SEARCH. Remember to inform the police that your bicycle is no longer missing. Note, that once your bicycle is found and submitted to an authorised bicycle dealer, it will automatically be changed to OK (not missing).

Your bicycle will appear as WANTED when scanning the BikeTag or searching for the BikeTag or frame number. A finder will be presented with the opportunity to submit the bicycle to an authorized BikeTag dealer.

For you to no longer be registered as the owner of the bicycle in BikeTag’s database, select the bicycle in MY OVERVIEW and click TRANSFER TO INSURANCE. The bicycle will then permanently disappear from your app.

Finding a wanted bicycle

You must decide if it is possible for you to submit the bicycle at the nearest authorized BikeTag dealer and thereby collect a reward of DKK 200, -. See list of authorized BikeTag dealers in Denmark here.

You have 72 hours to submit a bicycle. If you can’t make it within the deadline, your finder’s reward is lost.

We strive to pay finder’s rewards as soon as possible. However, we reserve the right to allow up to 30 days.

See list of authorized BikeTag dealers in Denmark here.

If you have previously found the wanted bicycle in question and did not return it within 72 hours, you lose the right to the finder’s reward. You are always welcome to submit it to an authorized BikeTag dealer, but unfortunately you will not be able to collect a finder’s reward.

Buy/Sell (transfer ownership)

You can either have a BikeTag attached to your own bicycle by an authorized dealer, who then transfers ownership to you, or you can take ownership of a bicycle (buy/sell) already registered with BikeTag.

In both cases, you must scan the BikeTag or enter the BikeTag number manually on the bicycle you want to add. Remember that the owner must first choose: TRANSFER TO NEW OWNER. Then you will be asked if you want to take ownership, and if you say yes, the bicycle and all documentation will be transferred to your BikeTag app. You have 6 minutes to register your ownership.

You must first choose the bicycle you want to transfer the ownership of. Next, select: TRANSFER TO NEW OWNER. You have 6 minutes to finish the transfer.

Proof of purchase or proof of ownership is automatically generated upon transfer of ownership. Lock certificate, pictures and the bicycle’s data are also transferred automatically and can be found in the bicycle’s info in MY OVERVIEW.

See a list of authorized BikeTag dealers in Denmark here

If you sell/give your bicycle to someone who is not registered with BikeTag you cannot transfer the ownership to a BikeTag app. Therefore, the BikeTag number will become a permanently inactive, as the bicycle (frame number and BikeTag number) is no longer associated with an owner in our bicycle register.


If you scan a bicycle that is DONATED, you can take the ownership of it for free. Simply say YES to take over the ownership, and all documentation and proof of ownership will automatically be transferred to your BikeTag app, and you will appear as the legal owner.

Select the bicycle you want to donate, then click on DONATE/THROW AWAY. You must now verify your donation with MitID. The bicycle automatically disappears from MY OVERVIEW, and it will appear as DONATED by anonymous user when you search for the BikeTag number.

Choose the bicycle you have thrown away, then click on DONATE/THROW AWAY.  You must now verify this action with MitID. The bicycle will then disappear from MY OVERVIEW. BikeTag is in favour of recycling, therefore the bicycle will appear as DONATED by anonymous user when searching for the BikeTag number.

Search for a BikeTag number or frame number

At the bottom of MY OVERVIEW, click on SCAN. Hold your phone close (max. 1 cm) to the BikeTag. Information about the bicycle’s status will then appear. To scan a

BikeTag sticker, your smartphone must have an NFC reader application/app installed. Most smartphones have an NFC reader built-in, if not, you can download an app.

At the bottom of MY OVERVIEW, click on MANUAL SEARCH, select NUMBER ON BIKETAG. Enter the 5 letters and 4 numbers on the BikeTag and click on NEXT.

At the bottom of MY OVERVIEW, press MANUAL SEARCH, select NUMBER ENGRAVED IN THE FRAME. Enter the frame number and press NEXT.

The bicycle’s information

Once you have selected the bicycle in MY OVERVIEW, you can find the lock certificate in the information box below the picture.

Once you have selected the bicycle MY OVERVIEW, you can find the proof of purchase in the information box below the picture.

The “main picture” cannot be deleted, but you can add/delete up to 4 additional pictures. Tap the pencil in the upper-right corner of the image if you want to add or delete a picture.

Yes. Tap the pencil next to the colour. Choose the correct colour.

No. If you disagree with the selected type, please contact support.

No. If you disagree with the selected brand, please contact support.

No. If you believe that there is an error in the frame number, please contact support.


You must select the DONATE/THROW AWAY button on the bicycle in question. Then the bicycle and all information/documentation about the bicycle will disappear from MY OVERVIEW.

There are 2 different timers.

  1. When you transfer a bicycle to a new owner, you have 6 minutes. The timer will be visible (counting down from 6 min.) under the bicycle in question in MY OVERVIEW.

  2. When you have agreed to submit a wanted bicycle to an authorized BikeTag dealer, you have 72 hours to do so. The timer will be visible (counting down from 72 hours) under the bicycle in question in MY OVERVIEW

You show the bicycle in your BikeTag app. Under the bicycle’s information you will find a proof of ownership, which you can easily send as documentation. All bicycles in BikeTag’s bicycle register are validated with MitID. A wanted bicycle can never be transferred to a new owner and only the legal owner can transfer the ownership to someone else.

Profile information

Yes, you can edit all info where there is a pencil. We encourage you to provide correct information only, both for your own sake and for our sake. It makes our job much easier.

Only you and BikeTag Aps have access to your personal information. Read more in our privacy policy

If you can’t remember or have changed your email address, you will need to create a new account. Once you have verified yourself with MitID, it will ask if you want to continue with the new email or the existing email.